Project Description
Client: Illinois State Tollway Authority
Location: Mountain View CA 94043
Year Completed: 2007
John Burns Construction Company successfully completed a fiber optic installation for the Illinois State Tollway Authority in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago, IL in November 2007. This installation of communication equipment enables all IT systems to communicate with ISTHA main offices.
The Challenges
- Installation of 16 miles of conduit and fiber optic cable for the new I-355 Tollway Extension between I-55 and I-80.
- Installation of communication equipment enabling all IT systems to communicate with ISTHA main offices.
- Splicing and termination of fiber cable into Tollway plazas.
- Project was completed with the coordination of 7 other mainline contracts requiring large scale logistical coordination.
- Project was completed ahead of schedule and contributed to a successful opening of the new extension.