Project Description
Client: DPR Construction
Location: Dallas, Texas
Value: $2,312,000
Year Completed: 2020
John Burns Construction Company of Texas was contracted to install the wet utilities including waterline, sanitary sewer and storm sewer. While on site we were also able to assist the general contractor by installing the electrical and telecom packages for the data center.
The Challenges
- Due to a design build contract, there were multiple changes in the scope of work. The majority of the change orders were the electrical and telecom scopes of work, to support the general contractor’s completion within scheduled durations.
- Installed 1,400 LF of waterlines, 200 LF of sanitary sewer and 1,600 LF of storm sewer.
- Installed 1,000 LF of electrical duct-bank, 1,700 LF of telecom, 12 electrical/telecom manholes.