Project Description
Client: Ragle, Inc.
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed: 2018
Value: $1,787,044
John Burns Construction Company completed water, sanitary sewer and storm water work as a subcontractor in Dallas County to better serve residents and allow for a much needed road widening project. The project was part of a much larger development project on Spring Valley Road in Dallas.
The Challenges
John Burns Construction Company replaced the water and waste water mains throughout the City of Dallas.
- Over 4,700 LF of water main, 2,500 LF of sanitary sewer line and 1,200 LF of storm sewer line was replaced and relocated.
- Traffic control plans contained multiple phases requiring numerous mobilizations to minimize impact on local traffic during the course of work.
- Two creek crossings on this project created unique logistical challenges with multiple scopes needing to be completed in the same area.
- Testing and passing of the waterline for the project took place during the hottest months of the year. During the summer is the hardest time to get a waterline to pass due to the excess heat and environmental challenges.