Project Description
Client: Pegasus Link Constructors
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed: 2019
Contracted Value: $10,408,352
John Burns Construction Company completed water, sanitary sewer and duct-bank work on I-35, south of downtown Dallas. The work involved replacing water and sewer mains that were currently in use to increase capacity in the area.
The Challenges
- The project included replacement of approximately 50 year old mains, with more than 1,200 LF of 4E6 & 2E6 duct-bank, over 6,600 LF of waterline from 8” to 16”, 120 LF of 20” Bar-Wrapped Cylinder Waterline, over 3,200 LF of sanitary sewer from 8” to 18”, and one combined electric/telephone/gas cased highway crossing.
- Intricate traffic control plans were designed to impact local traffic as little as possible and maintain vehicular flow rates during construction. This required attentiveness on the part of all working crews, as traffic patterns changed daily.
- Many of the utility crossings perpendicular to I-35 required deep bore shafts next to live access-ramps.
- Careful coordination was required with suppliers due to an “Buy-America” initiative as part of this project.
- Coordination was required with The Dallas Zoo for water outages & traffic congestion during busy times of the year and for special events.
- Many of the locations on this project had extreme grade changes and the project utilized a number of different types of retaining walls to best use the available space.