Project Description
Client: Oncor Electric
Location: University Park, Texas
Year Completed: 2020
Value: $197,000
John Burns Construction Company of Texas was contracted to install a 2E6 electrical duct-bank package to relocate the existing electrical infrastructure for a proposed water and sanitary sewer lines being installed by The City of University Park.
The Challenges
- Installed 240 linear feet of 2E6 duct bank package.
- The schedule and work area was very tight due to The City of University Park installing water and wastewater lines in the same alley.
- Installed the duct-bank between the alley paving and the private property fence line, which was a very small working window. This saved on saw-cutting, paving replacement and temporary paving, but required methodical installation practices.
- Coordination with Oncor, University Park, and home owners simultaneously to finish the project quickly.