Project Description
Client: Hunt Construction Group, Inc. (AECOM)
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed: 2017
Contract Value: $1,800,000
John Burns Construction Company of Texas completed the site utilities including water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and electrical duct-bank, installing them concurrently as the tower was being erected.
The Challenges
- Installed 1,500 linear feet of 12” water with (2) 8” fireline detector checks & vault and 6” domestic meter vault.
- Installed 1,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer with manholes.
- Installed 150 linear feet of a 12’x6’ storm sewer box culverts and installed 40 linear feet of 12” storm down a 25’ vertical cliff.
- Installed 1,100 linear feet of electrical duct-bank with associated manholes.
- The south side of the project had one-way access between the proposed building and an existing vertical face that lead to an existing roadway below.
- The project was a tight and congested work site with multiple trades in the same area, making communication critical.