Project Description

Client: City of Richardson
Location: Centennial Tower & West Lookout Drive – Richardson, Texas
Year Completed: 2019
Value: $356,996.00

John Burns Construction Company of Texas was contracted with The City of Richardson to replace existing 24”, 20”, 18” & 16” Gate Valves at two separate locations: Centennial Tower & West Lookout Drive.

The Challenges

  • The West Lookout Drive location was adjacent to the University of Texas at Dallas and required strict coordination between the contractor, city and University.
  • The replacement valves at the West Lookout location had to be cut-in on the existing line safely and efficiently and within a 4-hour window to allow for water shut-down
  • Excavation performed at Centennial Water Tower faced the potential loss of two million gallons of water for the City of Richardson if a failure of our installation occurred. The project also encountered extreme head pressure and even more complicating construction.



Project Description

Client: Tiseo Paving Company
Location: Flower Mound, Texas
Year Completed: 2019
Contract Value: $1,072,466

John Burns Construction Company of Texas was contracted for the installation of over 2,000 linear feet of 20” ductile iron waterline with various outlets, gate valves and cathodic protection. The project also included a storm drainage packages ranging in size from 18” to 48” reinforced concrete pipe and inlets.

The Challenges

  • This project included a waterline installation near an existing school zone that was only available during the summer school break, which also held high Liquidated Damages if not completed on time.
  • Despite being provided with a geotechnical report during the bidding phase, additional sandstone rock formations were discovered at various location requiring breakers to be utilized to create our ditch line.
  • Unforeseen existing utilities were unearthed that were not consistent with known records. Due to our experience, we were able to identify and protect the services and our people from any harm.


Project Description

Client: ZOM Living / Balfour Beatty Construction
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed: 2020
Value: $989,182

John Burns Construction Company of Texas contracted directly with ZOM Living (Owner/Developer) to complete the early start work within the Central Business District, which included relocating existing utilities on and around the site to allow mass excavation to take place. We then contracted with Balfour Beatty Construction to complete the remaining public utility infrastructure.

The Challenges

  • Working in the heart of downtown Dallas with its dense work-day population and strict city requirements that reduce the effects on traffic during rush hours.
  • Working at excavation depths of over 20 feet, with an engineered trench safety design, in areas that were highly congested with known and unknown existing utilities.


Project Description

Client: Dallas Water Utilities
Location: Love Field Airport & Mountain Creek Parkway
Year Completed: 2019
Value: $10,529,000

John Burns Construction Company of Texas was contracted to install waterline and sanitary sewer in and around active areas of Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas. The purpose of the project was to abandon an existing waterline from under the active runways and reroute a new waterline and sanitary sewer around the exterior of the airport.

Our presence at the airport assisted in being awarded a $2,875,000 contract with ONCOR Electric installing electrical duct bank.

The Challenges

  • 6,200 linear feet of 16” ductile iron waterline
  • 7,100 linear feet of 24”-36” bar wrapped concrete cylinder waterline
  • 11,000 linear feet of 15”-21” PVC sanitary sewer
  • 1,300 linear feet of Pipe bursting of existing 15” to 21” sanitary sewer
  • 2,300 linear feet of boring for the sanitary sewer and waterline around the airport
  • Worked in coordination with the airport and existing business to minimize the impact on traffic and facilities.


Project Description

Client: Pegasus Link Constructors
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed: 2019
Contracted Value: $10,408,352

John Burns Construction Company completed water, sanitary sewer and duct-bank work on I-35, south of downtown Dallas. The work involved replacing water and sewer mains that were currently in use to increase capacity in the area.

The Challenges

  • The project included replacement of approximately 50 year old mains, with more than 1,200 LF of 4E6 & 2E6 duct-bank, over 6,600 LF of waterline from 8” to 16”, 120 LF of 20” Bar-Wrapped Cylinder Waterline, over 3,200 LF of sanitary sewer from 8” to 18”, and one combined electric/telephone/gas cased highway crossing.
  • Intricate traffic control plans were designed to impact local traffic as little as possible and maintain vehicular flow rates during construction. This required attentiveness on the part of all working crews, as traffic patterns changed daily.
  • Many of the utility crossings perpendicular to I-35 required deep bore shafts next to live access-ramps.
  • Careful coordination was required with suppliers due to an “Buy-America” initiative as part of this project.
  • Coordination was required with The Dallas Zoo for water outages & traffic congestion during busy times of the year and for special events.
  • Many of the locations on this project had extreme grade changes and the project utilized a number of different types of retaining walls to best use the available space.

EQUINIX Data Center

Project Description

Client: DPR Construction
Location: Dallas, Texas
Value: $2,312,000
Year Completed: 2020

John Burns Construction Company of Texas was contracted to install the wet utilities including waterline, sanitary sewer and storm sewer. While on site we were also able to assist the general contractor by installing the electrical and telecom packages for the data center.

The Challenges

  • Due to a design build contract, there were multiple changes in the scope of work. The majority of the change orders were the electrical and telecom scopes of work, to support the general contractor’s completion within scheduled durations.
  • Installed 1,400 LF of waterlines, 200 LF of sanitary sewer and 1,600 LF of storm sewer.
  • Installed 1,000 LF of electrical duct-bank, 1,700 LF of telecom, 12 electrical/telecom manholes.


Project Description

Client: Ragle, Inc.
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed: 2018
Value: $1,787,044

John Burns Construction Company completed water, sanitary sewer and storm water work as a subcontractor in Dallas County to better serve residents and allow for a much needed road widening project. The project was part of a much larger development project on Spring Valley Road in Dallas.

The Challenges

John Burns Construction Company replaced the water and waste water mains throughout the City of Dallas.

  • Over 4,700 LF of water main, 2,500 LF of sanitary sewer line and 1,200 LF of storm sewer line was replaced and relocated.
  • Traffic control plans contained multiple phases requiring numerous mobilizations to minimize impact on local traffic during the course of work.
  • Two creek crossings on this project created unique logistical challenges with multiple scopes needing to be completed in the same area.
  • Testing and passing of the waterline for the project took place during the hottest months of the year. During the summer is the hardest time to get a waterline to pass due to the excess heat and environmental challenges.



Project Description

Client: Hunt Construction Group, Inc. (AECOM)
Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Completed:   2017
Contract Value: $1,800,000

John Burns Construction Company of Texas completed the site utilities including water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and electrical duct-bank, installing them concurrently as the tower was being erected.

The Challenges

  • Installed 1,500 linear feet of 12” water with (2) 8” fireline detector checks & vault and 6” domestic meter vault.
  • Installed 1,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer with manholes.
  • Installed 150 linear feet of a 12’x6’ storm sewer box culverts and installed 40 linear feet of 12” storm down a 25’ vertical cliff.
  • Installed 1,100 linear feet of electrical duct-bank with associated manholes.
  • The south side of the project had one-way access between the proposed building and an existing vertical face that lead to an existing roadway below.
  • The project was a tight and congested work site with multiple trades in the same area, making communication critical.